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Wheel Pose

Wheel pose or Upward Facing Bow pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) opens the front of the body while giving the spine maximum stretch.

How to get in:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your heels close to your gluteus. Place your palms above your shoulders with your elbows up and fingers pointing toward your feet.
  2. Inhale press through the palms of your hands and the souls of your feet to lift your hips to the sky. Make an arch with the front of your body and lengthen from your toes, top of thighs, abdomen, chest and gaze to your hands. Focus on straightening your elbows. Hold the pose for five breaths.
  3. Exhale slowly bend your elbows, lower the crown of the head to the floor and lower your sit bones to the mat.

Counter pose:

  1. Hug your knees into your chest
  2. Childs pose

Build up poses:

  1. Bridge pose
  2. Bow pose
  3. Crescent moon pose
  4. Downward Facing Dog pose